Statistics & Research about Ocoee,FL - Westgate-Jones Ins Agy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Ocoee,FL an area served by Westgate-Jones Ins Agy Inc

Phone : 407-876-4447

Car dealers nearby Westgate-Jones Ins Agy Inc

Insurance Services Of Central Florida

Phone: (407) 876-4447

Real estate research for area nearby Westgate-Jones Ins Agy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Orange County 185,800 1018 6.6
Forest City 201,800 1101 6.5
Winter Park 345,300 1040 3.6
St. Cloud 152,900 1074 8.4
Groveland 144,200 1124 9.4
Winter Springs 209,100 1155 6.6
Bithlo 159,300 1170 8.8
Fairview Shores 155,300 977 7.5
Pine Hills 116,600 986 10.1
Paisley 91,000 738 9.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Westgate-Jones Ins Agy Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Orange County 127444
Forest City 1137
Winter Park 3584
St. Cloud 10689
Groveland 403
Winter Springs 2815
Bithlo 566
Fairview Shores 1680
Pine Hills 4816
Paisley 121
Campbell 847
Orlando 79051
Doctor Phillips 841
Alafaya 4046
Holden Heights 300

Number of whites in places near by Westgate-Jones Ins Agy Inc

Place name Number of whites
Orange County 752892
Forest City 12443
Winter Park 23887
St. Cloud 102044
Groveland 6104
Winter Springs 29258
Bithlo 6781
Fairview Shores 7246
Pine Hills 9897
Paisley 837
Campbell 2578
Orlando 315586
Doctor Phillips 8345
Alafaya 61889
Holden Heights 2407

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Westgate-Jones Ins Agy Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Orange County 163200
Forest City 187400
Winter Park 390100
St. Cloud 129500
Groveland 153900
Winter Springs 196400
Bithlo 80200
Fairview Shores 97000
Pine Hills 126500
Paisley 76900
Campbell 83500
Orlando 137600
Doctor Phillips 280100
Alafaya 181900
Holden Heights 195300

Number of blacks in places near by Westgate-Jones Ins Agy Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Orange County 238585
Forest City 1008
Winter Park 2222
St. Cloud 11343
Groveland 1354
Winter Springs 2009
Bithlo 594
Fairview Shores 1937
Pine Hills 46412
Paisley 25
Campbell 46
Orlando 157998
Doctor Phillips 334
Alafaya 7122
Holden Heights 720