Statistics & Research about Dunnellon,FL - West Coast Insurers Of Crystal River Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Dunnellon,FL an area served by West Coast Insurers Of Crystal River Inc

Phone : 352-489-2412

Car dealers nearby West Coast Insurers Of Crystal River Inc

Andersons Affordable Auto Llc

Andersons Affordable Auto LLC ,11463 N. Williams St.,Dunnellon,FL , 34432 ,Sales: (888) 898-0161"You Have Credit With Us....Drive Home Today!"
Phone: (888) 898-0161

Real estate research for area nearby West Coast Insurers Of Crystal River Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Citrus County 126,000 790 7.5
Lecanto 129,500 770 7.1
Pine Ridge 237,900 1024 5.2
Crystal River 138,400 806 7.0
Williston Highlands 87,100 583 8.0
Yankeetown 245,800 773 3.8
Ocala 121,800 852 8.4
East Bronson 94,000 608 7.8
Black Diamond 422000 NA NA
Levy County 101,200 678 8.0

Number of old houses in places near by West Coast Insurers Of Crystal River Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Citrus County 97900
Crystal River 135300
Yankeetown 175000
Ocala 129000
Levy County 102100
Reddick 120800
Williston-Bronson 120100
Hernando 58300
McIntosh 237500

Number of vacant houses in places near by West Coast Insurers Of Crystal River Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Citrus County 18334
Lecanto 211
Pine Ridge 846
Crystal River 8747
Williston Highlands 252
Yankeetown 260
Ocala 9623
East Bronson 212
Black Diamond 193
Levy County 4170
Reddick 27
Williston-Bronson 1711
Raleigh 68
Hernando 1879
McIntosh 76

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by West Coast Insurers Of Crystal River Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Citrus County 108200
Lecanto 112900
Pine Ridge 154000
Crystal River 114800
Williston Highlands 49500
Yankeetown 412500
Ocala 111500
East Bronson 182100
Levy County 79900
Reddick 84100
Williston-Bronson 87800
Hernando 68800
McIntosh 141700

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by West Coast Insurers Of Crystal River Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Citrus County 90400
Lecanto 77000
Crystal River 96900
Williston Highlands 56300
Yankeetown 233300
Ocala 101400
Levy County 86000
Reddick 155600
Williston-Bronson 89000
Hernando 58800
McIntosh 156000