About : We at Harry Levine Insurance and Levine Napier Insurance are here to serve you. We will find the right insurance product that fits your needs. We are here to serve you!
Description : Our objective is to provide insurance coverage to our clients as protection for the unforeseen loss of property, liability, health, or life. We also assist our clients with financial and retirement planning. The Levine Agency philosophy is to assist clients in the purchase of the proper insurance and financial products to satisfy their needs.
Phone: 407-855-1000
Fax: 407-855-1001
Distance: 7.6 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
The most significant reason for major price increases on your homeowner insurance this year is fraud that happens right under your nose.
If a contractor promises you new everything at no cost be suspicious.
Here are some great tips to combat the rising mosquito threat. After all this rain make sure you read all the tips to keep us all bite free this summer! Thanks Southwest Orlando Bulletin for the info.
Dear loyal clients & friends. Our client management system, Applied Systems, is having serious issues. Our email system is actually down right now and we appreciate your patience while it gets fixed. Feel free to give us a call! 407-855-1000 for Orlando and 407-629-6020 for Winter Park.