Statistics & Research about Mount Dora,FL - Nichols-Davis-Stroud Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Mount Dora,FL an area served by Nichols-Davis-Stroud Insurance

18500 US HWY 441
Phone : 352-383-8164

Car dealers nearby Nichols-Davis-Stroud Insurance

Prestige Ford

Mount Dora,FL
Phone: 866-906-8541

Real estate research for area nearby Nichols-Davis-Stroud Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Sky Lake 102,400 1004 11.8
Yalaha 285500 NA NA
Rio Pinar 233,700 1677 8.6
Altamonte Springs 163,300 970 7.1
Mount Plymouth 159,600 912 6.9
Williamsburg 168,900 1312 9.3
Casselberry-Altamonte Springs 183,700 1018 6.6
Black Hammock 291,200 758 3.1
Orlovista 103,700 1021 11.8
Lockhart 138,900 855 7.4

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Nichols-Davis-Stroud Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Rio Pinar 152
Altamonte Springs 289
Mount Plymouth 30
Williamsburg 101
Casselberry-Altamonte Springs 2334
Black Hammock 17
Orlovista 60
Lockhart 158
Astor 26
Union Park 3818
Eatonville 4
Oviedo 3355

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Nichols-Davis-Stroud Insurance

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Sky Lake 37
Altamonte Springs 5423
Mount Plymouth 25
Williamsburg 148
Casselberry-Altamonte Springs 12222
Black Hammock 17
Orlovista 189
Lockhart 315
Astor 169
Union Park 4924
Eatonville 22
Oviedo 1096

Number of new houses in places near by Nichols-Davis-Stroud Insurance

Place name Number of new houses
Union Park 602700
Oviedo 162500

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Nichols-Davis-Stroud Insurance

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Yalaha 506900
Rio Pinar 439500
Altamonte Springs 193600
Mount Plymouth 158800
Williamsburg 198900
Casselberry-Altamonte Springs 217200
Black Hammock 286600
Orlovista 94400
Lockhart 135500
De Leon Springs 164000
Astor 115000
Union Park 194800
Eatonville 99400
Oviedo 259600