Statistics & Research about Ormond Beach,FL - Mullin & Company

Here are some statistics & research about Ormond Beach,FL an area served by Mullin & Company

761 W Granada Blvd Ormond Beach
Ormond Beach,FL
Phone : (386) 492-9034

Real estate research for area nearby Mullin & Company

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pierson 96,800 772 9.6
Pierson-Seville 150,800 773 6.2
Samsula-Spruce Creek 340,800 2001 7.0
Edgewater 147,500 908 7.4
De Leon Springs 158,000 1113 8.5
DeLand Southwest 96,700 682 8.5
Beverly Beach 130,300 873 8.0
Ponce Inlet 361,100 1282 4.3
Palm Coast 172,300 1072 7.5

Number of whites in places near by Mullin & Company

Place name Number of whites
Pierson 926
Pierson-Seville 5332
Samsula-Spruce Creek 4612
Edgewater 19282
De Leon Springs 2450
DeLand Southwest 232
Beverly Beach 377
Ponce Inlet 3012
Palm Coast 58348
Marineland 2
Seville 87
South Peninsula 10977
Flagler Beach 26262
Holly Hill 9435
Glencoe 2934

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Mullin & Company

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Pierson 49
Pierson-Seville 307
Samsula-Spruce Creek 424
Edgewater 531
De Leon Springs 239
DeLand Southwest 11
Beverly Beach 2
Ponce Inlet 206
Palm Coast 6348
Seville 14
South Peninsula 656
Flagler Beach 2515
Holly Hill 235
Glencoe 172

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Mullin & Company

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Pierson 3
Pierson-Seville 44
Samsula-Spruce Creek 140
Edgewater 106
Ponce Inlet 70
Palm Coast 486
South Peninsula 205
Flagler Beach 319
Holly Hill 11
Glencoe 34

Number of blacks in places near by Mullin & Company

Place name Number of blacks
Pierson 100
Pierson-Seville 223
Samsula-Spruce Creek 58
Edgewater 651
De Leon Springs 121
DeLand Southwest 603
Palm Coast 9920
Seville 49
Flagler Beach 1064
Holly Hill 1721