Statistics & Research about Tavares,FL - Insurance Professionals Of Central Fl Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Tavares,FL an area served by Insurance Professionals Of Central Fl Inc

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Car dealers nearby Insurance Professionals Of Central Fl Inc


Phone: (352) 253-2216

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Professionals Of Central Fl Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Orlando 164,300 967 7.1
Edgewood 254,400 799 3.8
Pittman 173900 NA NA
Oakland 290,400 1301 5.4
Altamonte Springs 163,300 970 7.1
Ferndale 222700 NA NA
Altoona 196,400 837 5.1
Groveland-Mascotte 160,000 1103 8.3
Lockhart 138,900 855 7.4
Maitland 325,700 1184 4.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Professionals Of Central Fl Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Orlando 79051
Edgewood 84
Pittman 7
Oakland 51
Altamonte Springs 8837
Ferndale 10
Groveland-Mascotte 2155
Lockhart 1398
Maitland 2193
Center Hill 116
Azalea Park 1461
Apopka 6626
Four Corners 4986
Coleman 108

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Professionals Of Central Fl Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Orlando 137600
Edgewood 252000
Oakland 217500
Altamonte Springs 143300
Groveland-Mascotte 138000
Lockhart 123400
Maitland 301400
Center Hill 81300
Azalea Park 145800
Apopka 158900
Four Corners 142700
Coleman 39700

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Professionals Of Central Fl Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Orlando 88349
Edgewood 505
Pittman 80
Oakland 285
Altamonte Springs 5623
Ferndale 117
Altoona 61
Groveland-Mascotte 6400
Lockhart 2812
Maitland 2272
Center Hill 208
Azalea Park 2529
Apopka 15545
Four Corners 9327
Coleman 231

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Professionals Of Central Fl Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Orlando 197500
Edgewood 304300
Pittman 427800
Oakland 326600
Altamonte Springs 176300
Ferndale 700000
Groveland-Mascotte 171700
Lockhart 178800
Maitland 376100
Center Hill 125000
Azalea Park 157300
Apopka 210900
Four Corners 155000
Coleman 23400