Statistics & Research about Bartow,FL - Gibson & Wirt Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Bartow,FL an area served by Gibson & Wirt Inc

Phone : 863-533-3131

Car dealers nearby Gibson & Wirt Inc

Bartow Ford Company

Phone: (863) 533-0425

Real estate research for area nearby Gibson & Wirt Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lakeland 127,200 889 8.4
Fort Green Springs 107,700 2001 22.3
Fort Meade 87,200 841 11.6
Lake Hamilton 135,100 891 7.9
Cypress Gardens 159,900 1067 8.0
Jan Phyl Village 106,500 870 9.8
Polk City 128,800 793 7.4
Fort Green 157800 NA NA
Balm 171,400 594 4.2
Medulla 174,400 897 6.2

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Gibson & Wirt Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Lakeland 8186
Fort Meade 232
Lake Hamilton 47
Cypress Gardens 218
Jan Phyl Village 9
Polk City 31
Balm 21
Medulla 144
Bloomingdale 272
Frostproof 757
Eagle Lake 62
Seffner 60
Kathleen 36

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Gibson & Wirt Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Lakeland 173800
Fort Meade 117800
Lake Hamilton 142400
Cypress Gardens 205800
Jan Phyl Village 197700
Polk City 91300
Fort Green 185000
Balm 153900
Medulla 227100
Bloomingdale 246200
Frostproof 114100
Eagle Lake 195700
Seffner 216500
Kathleen 128400

Number of new houses in places near by Gibson & Wirt Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Lakeland 161300
Frostproof 125000

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Gibson & Wirt Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Lakeland 105200
Fort Meade 66700
Lake Hamilton 145100
Cypress Gardens 197400
Jan Phyl Village 92900
Polk City 114200
Balm 201400
Medulla 154100
Bloomingdale 184200
Frostproof 73800
Eagle Lake 87300
Seffner 129700
Kathleen 118800