Statistics & Research about Longwood,FL - Gallaher Insurance Group Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Longwood,FL an area served by Gallaher Insurance Group Llc

521 EAST SR 434
Phone : 407-682-6800

Car dealers nearby Gallaher Insurance Group Llc

Bill Ray Nissan

2724 N. Highway 17-92Longwood, FL 32750
Phone: (866) 287-1528

Courtesy Towing

Phone: (407) 696-8697

Real estate research for area nearby Gallaher Insurance Group Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
South Apopka 91,700 1059 13.9
Yalaha 285500 NA NA
Astatula 110,500 863 9.4
Williamsburg 168,900 1312 9.3
Lisbon 100900 NA NA
Lake Mary Jane 270600 NA NA
Ocoee 188,300 1240 7.9
Orlando 164,300 967 7.1
Edgewood 254,400 799 3.8
Volusia County 158,900 899 6.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Gallaher Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
South Apopka 255
Yalaha 166
Astatula 199
Williamsburg 1695
Lisbon 62
Lake Mary Jane 73
Ocoee 1482
Orlando 79051
Edgewood 84
Volusia County 86143
Altamonte Springs 8837
East Orange 2010
Orlovista 771
Oakland 51

Number of vacant houses in places near by Gallaher Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
South Apopka 410
Yalaha 88
Astatula 130
Williamsburg 541
Lisbon 36
Lake Mary Jane 109
Ocoee 1185
Orlando 41281
Edgewood 165
Volusia County 58345
Altamonte Springs 6201
East Orange 1974
Orlovista 415
Oakland 110

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Gallaher Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
South Apopka 86400
Yalaha 122200
Astatula 65000
Williamsburg 156600
Ocoee 101600
Orlando 159600
Edgewood 160600
Volusia County 131900
Altamonte Springs 178000
East Orange 77300
Orlovista 107500
Oakland 153600

Number of blacks in places near by Gallaher Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of blacks
South Apopka 3404
Yalaha 54
Astatula 41
Williamsburg 322
Lake Mary Jane 9
Ocoee 7577
Orlando 157998
Edgewood 298
Volusia County 51487
Altamonte Springs 5384
East Orange 2935
Orlovista 2675
Oakland 393