Statistics & Research about Ocala,FL - Bishop Insurance Service

Here are some statistics & research about Ocala,FL an area served by Bishop Insurance Service

420 SE 8TH ST
Phone : 352-732-3881

Real estate research for area nearby Bishop Insurance Service

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hernando 94,300 734 9.3
Inverness Highlands South 103,000 929 10.8
Morriston 72500 NA NA
Inverness Highlands North 121,100 971 9.6
Ocala 121,800 852 8.4
Coleman 74,400 600 9.7
Marion County 130,900 835 7.7
Fort McCoy-Anthony 95,300 667 8.4
Wildwood 201,600 838 5.0
East Marion 69,000 697 12.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Bishop Insurance Service

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Hernando 2675
Inverness Highlands South 1283
Morriston 53
Inverness Highlands North 237
Ocala 19510
Coleman 108
Marion County 57614
Fort McCoy-Anthony 2761
Wildwood 17400
East Marion 5836
Silver Springs Shores 1233
Reddick-McIntosh 1476
Belleview 19780
Fruitland Park 413
Lisbon 62

Number of whites in places near by Bishop Insurance Service

Place name Number of whites
Hernando 8660
Inverness Highlands South 5615
Morriston 148
Inverness Highlands North 2295
Ocala 102581
Coleman 366
Marion County 270917
Fort McCoy-Anthony 15307
Wildwood 59388
East Marion 18169
Silver Springs Shores 3978
Reddick-McIntosh 8366
Belleview 92751
Fruitland Park 3030
Lisbon 219

Number of vacant houses in places near by Bishop Insurance Service

Place name Number of vacant houses
Hernando 1879
Inverness Highlands South 565
Inverness Highlands North 143
Ocala 9623
Coleman 65
Marion County 29064
Fort McCoy-Anthony 1446
Wildwood 8535
East Marion 3673
Silver Springs Shores 949
Reddick-McIntosh 1312
Belleview 8998
Fruitland Park 297
Lisbon 36

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Bishop Insurance Service

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Hernando 108400
Inverness Highlands South 96500
Inverness Highlands North 130400
Ocala 129400
Coleman 83600
Marion County 128200
Fort McCoy-Anthony 108000
Wildwood 186000
East Marion 79600
Silver Springs Shores 114600
Reddick-McIntosh 160200
Belleview 134600
Fruitland Park 193400