Statistics & Research about Winter Springs,FL - American Auto Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Winter Springs,FL an area served by American Auto Insurance

301 W SR 434 STE 333
Phone : 407-706-6000

Car dealers nearby American Auto Insurance

Martinez & Associates

Winter Springs,FL
Phone: (407) 834-0777

Real estate research for area nearby American Auto Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Conway 210,700 1159 6.6
Wedgefield 238,100 1346 6.8
Deltona 149,600 1098 8.8
DeLand Southwest 96,700 682 8.5
Gotha 312400 NA NA
North DeLand 150,000 1613 12.9
Bithlo 159,300 1170 8.8
Black Hammock 291,200 758 3.1
South Apopka 91,700 1059 13.9
Pine Castle 109,800 937 10.2

Number of vacant houses in places near by American Auto Insurance

Place name Number of vacant houses
Conway 339
Wedgefield 373
Deltona 5231
DeLand Southwest 74
Gotha 53
North DeLand 126
Bithlo 418
Black Hammock 54
South Apopka 410
Pine Castle 573
Ocoee 1185
Meadow Woods 1830
Winter Park 1513
Winter Springs 1756
Tangerine 233

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by American Auto Insurance

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Conway 1592
Wedgefield 1164
Deltona 6440
DeLand Southwest 11
Gotha 310
North DeLand 200
Bithlo 976
Black Hammock 77
South Apopka 249
Pine Castle 585
Ocoee 4106
Meadow Woods 3229
Winter Park 2395
Winter Springs 3343
Tangerine 179

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by American Auto Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Conway 3273
Wedgefield 1065
Deltona 23234
DeLand Southwest 216
Gotha 100
North DeLand 226
Bithlo 1025
Black Hammock 265
South Apopka 1452
Pine Castle 1223
Ocoee 5749
Meadow Woods 4433
Winter Park 4729
Winter Springs 5894
Tangerine 366

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by American Auto Insurance

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Conway 204400
Wedgefield 164600
Deltona 136500
Gotha 466700
Bithlo 80200
Black Hammock 328100
South Apopka 86200
Pine Castle 79200
Ocoee 153200
Meadow Woods 124700
Winter Park 390100
Winter Springs 196400
Tangerine 360000